- On the sphericity testing of single source digraphs
Discrete Mathematics, Volume 308, Issue 11, 6 June 2008, Pages 2175-2181
Ardeshir Dolati, S. Mehdi Hashemi
- The solution and duality of imprecise network problems
Computers & Mathematics with Applications, Volume 55, Issue 12, June 2008, Pages 2767-2790
Mehdi Ghatee, S. Mehdi Hashemi, Behnam Hashemi, Mehdi Dehghan
- Generalized minimal cost flow problem in fuzzy nature: An application in bus network planning problem
Applied Mathematical Modelling, Volume 32, Issue 12, December 2008, Pages 2490-2508
Mehdi Ghatee, S. Mehdi Hashemi
- An ACO algorithm to design UMTS access network using divided and conquer technique
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Volume 21, Issue 6, September 2008, Pages 931-940
S. Mehdi Hashemi, Ahmad Moradi, Mohsen Rezapour
- Ranking function-based solutions of fully fuzzified minimal cost flow problem
Information Sciences, Volume 177, Issue 20, 15 October 2007, Pages 4271-4294
Mehdi Ghatee, S. Mehdi Hashemi
- Descent direction algorithm with multicommodity flow problem for signal optimization and traffic assignment jointly
Applied Mathematics and Computation, Volume 188, Issue 1, 1 May 2007, Pages 555-566
Mehdi Ghatee, S. Mehdi Hashemi
- Two new algorithms for the Min-Power Broadcast problem in static ad hoc networks
Applied Mathematics and Computation, Volume 190, Issue 2, 15 July 2007, Pages 1657-1668
S. Mehdi Hashemi, Mohsen Rezapour, Ahmad Moradi
- Fuzzy goal programming: Complementary slackness conditions and computational schemes
Applied Mathematics and Computation, Volume 179, Issue 2, 15 August 2006, Pages 506-522
S. Mehdi Hashemi, Mehdi Ghatee, Behnam Hashemi
- Combinatorial algorithms for the minimum interval cost flow problem
Applied Mathematics and Computation, Volume 175, Issue 2, 15 April 2006, Pages 1200-1216
S. Mehdi Hashemi, Mehdi Ghatee, Ebrahim Nasrabadi
- A better heuristic for area-compaction of orthogonal representations
Applied Mathematics and Computation, Volume 172, Issue 2, 15 January 2006, Pages 1054-1066
S. Mehdi Hashemi, Maryam Tahmasbi
- Digraph embedding
Discrete Mathematics, Volume 233, Issues 1-3, 28 April 2001, Pages 321-328
S. Mehdi Hashemi
- Robust fuzzy regression analysis using neural networks International Journal Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 16 (2008) 579-598. E. Nasrabadi, S. M. Hashemi
- Minimum cost time-varying network flow Optimization, Methods and Software, 1029-4937, First published on 08 September 2009, E. Nasrabadi, S. M. Hashemi
- On The Upward Embedding On The Torus, Rocky Mountain, Journal of Mathematics, Volume 38, Number 1, 2008 Ardeshir Dolati, S. Mehdi Hashemi, Masoud Khosravani
- An LP-based approach to outliers detection in fuzzy regression analysis International Journal Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 15 (2007) 441-456. E. Nasrabadi, S. M. Hashemi, M. Ghatee
- Fully Fuzzified Linear Programming, Solution and Duality Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, Volume 17, Issue3, (2006), Pages 253-261 S. M. Hashemi, M. Modarres, E. Nasrabadi and M. M. Nasrabadi